- Extremely high availability
- Low energy consumption
- Small footprint
- Flexible configurations
Data centres represent one of a company's most fundamental assets: a structure on which the entire organisation depends.
This is why it is important to ensure these systems are both functional and reliable, starting from the correct electrical layout of the system and following precise quality criteria.
According to the TIER standard, system availability should fall between 99.9 and 99.999%: downtime is not an option. Using high quality Riello UPS uninterruptible power supplies in a well-designed system, this level of availability can be achieved. The UPS must be versatile, compact and parallelable
in order to provide the required flexibility; they should be able to adapt to all types of load, both inductive and capacitive, and should also be able to integrate with the other components in the system (e.g. electrical generators).
Energy consumption
Reducing energy consumption has become a necessity for all businesses as well as an environmental concern. It is therefore fundamental to choose a UPS supplier that offers green products designed to provide the best energy efficiency and lowest environmental impact possible, with maximum performance. The Eco Energy Levels help identify the most highly efficient Riello UPS products.
Physical space
It is critical optimise the space available in data centres. Virtualising servers helps, but it is also useful to choose UPS with small footprints in order to avoid wasting space. The Multi Sentry, Sentryum (Compact, Active, Xtend, flexibility of autonomy and dimensions), Multi Power (MPW and MPX, modular solutions), NextEnergy (trasformer-less solution) and Master HE UPS ranges have the ideal dimensions.